Hey, everybody! This is my first post, and I hope you enjoy the site.
I recently started work on a World War III type wargame. The armies involved will be Russians, Iraq/Iranians, Syrians, Chinese, and other such countries on the one side, and a coalition of US, UK, Western European, and Israeli forces on the other side. The game will take place at around 1995.
I have to admit that I received my inspiration from this (rather cliched) idea from Steven at
Sound Officers Call. I really liked his Orion and Esci/Italeri Russian minis, so I decided to buy both sets and start painting up my own post-Cold War Russian army.
The sets together add up to 96 figures, but about 12 of these are useless poses (there's even a guy peeing, though what Orion was thinking when they put this mini in the set is beyond me). I'm going to divide these guys into several branches: there'll be the VDV - Russian airborne - in blue berets and insignia; the Naval Infantry (marines) in black berets and insignia; the regular army troops (no special insignia); and the Spetsnaz, in special ops "birch tree" camo. I'll post painting guides for these various branches later on, just in case anyone's interested.
For this wargame, I am using the
Counterattack rules by New Century Wargames (downloaded from
freewargamesrules - a highly recommended site). I modified the rules slightly, and created new army rules for the Russian army.
I have no deadline for this wargame, and it's possible I'll never even finish it, but I'm just enjoying the process of painting up the figures.
Here are my first attempts:
This is my first squad of Naval Infantry (Marines). In my modified Counterattack rules, a rifle squad is made up of between 4 and 7 figures, including 1 officer and up to 2 machine guns and 1
heavy weapon, such as an RPG. This particular squad consists of 5
riflemen (armed with some version of the AK-74) and 1 officer, front,
holding a pistol. |
Here's my second addition to the army - a squad of regular army snipers. They are equipped with Dragunov SVD sniper rifles. | | | | |
I intend to pick up some Americans and Israelis once I have finished this Russian army, and then I'll get some armor: T-72s, Abrams tanks, and whatnot. Its a work in progress.