Saturday, October 22, 2016

SoBH Human Warrior Personality

Finally got my paints out again. This time it was for another 28mm Reaper Bones mini, who they call Valeros the Iconic Male Human Fighter or something. I call him Ewan McGregor, for no better reason than that he has bright red hair and muttonchops and looks Scottish and Ewan McGregor is a good Scottish name. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental, etc etc.
He has a cool pose and undeniably cool facial hair, but other than that is not particularly exciting. No crazy fantasy acoutrements or anything, just two good old fashioned swords and a bow, which for the purposes of SoBH does not exist. He has no ranged capabilities according to me. However I did give him the Dashing trait to make him a little more fun to play with. And he is one of the two personalities on my current Good warband. I will post both my Good and Evil warband profiles on my wargame rules page if anyone is interested. I used the super handy warband builder on that can be found here.
The photos for some reason make him look far more yellowish than he actually is.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

First Element of Marian Roman Army (Finally!)

So, after a long hiatus from figure painting, I am back. And first up on the list of crap to get done: start my DBA Marian Roman Army (II/49) so I can finally get my armies on the table and start playing some ancient warfare. Well actually, the first thing on my list was that second Gallic chariot, just to finish that army up, but I wasn't in the mood, so....
The figures are from the excellent Zvezda Republican Roman Infantry set (8034). The poses are good, beautiful details, almost no flash, and it has a perfect mix of triarii (heavy infantry) and velites (light infantry) so that you can make all the elements needed for your DBA army. I use those terms loosely, since under Gaius Marius the different classes of soldiers were abandoned. Here's the element list (or at least the one that I chose to use):

1x3Cv or 4Bd (Gen), 1x3Cv or 2LH, 8x4Bd, 1x3/4Ax or 2Ps, 1x2Ps.

My customized list is going to include a blade command element, both the cavalry and the light horse element (so that the player can choose which to use) and 2 psiloi elements instead of having to go to the trouble of buying a pack of auxiliaries.