Friday, April 10, 2015

Next Batch of Modern British Infantry

I like the camo on these ones a little better than on the previous batch. I think it matches the early 2000s
pattern of DPM better.

These figures are a little disappointing to paint,  because their PLCE (Personal Load Carrying Equipment) webbing is made of the same camouflage material as the rest of the uniform, thus making it hard to distinguish. So, in effect, these figures end up looking a bit like camouflaged blobs.
Also, Caesar did a pretty poor job on the L85A2 rifles. If you ask me, these are some pretty boss
assault rifles, designed in the unusual bullpup layout, with the magazine and action behind the trigger group. This allows the rifle to be shorter without sacrificing accuracy.
However, Caesar turned this rifle into another indeterminate mass of gray plastic with almost no detailing. The SUSAT scope becomes a cylindrical blob, the barrel a pathetically droopy little pipe.

This pose is visually interesting, but is a lot less useful for wargaming purposes. Where did this guy find a wall to suddenly jump over? And the wall looks pretty narrow to me - I mean, couldn't he just walk around it? Sometimes tiny plastic men just aren't that bright.
I hope this officer is telling his soldier to stop screwing around on that wall and start doing something useful. 

The full infantry section (8 soldiers), made up of two four-man fire teams.

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